Kamis, 20 April 2017

The Duck Who Lost Her Egg

Once upon a time, there was a duck who lived in a small hut in town. She was so clumsy. She was always easy to forget everything she had. One day the Duck laid an egg. It was a beautiful egg. It was the first time she had an egg and it was the only egg that she had ever had. She loved her egg so much. Every day, the Duck waited for the egg to crack. The Duck didn’t know when the egg would crack.

In town there was a well-known gang. People in the town called this gang as “Black Fox”. This gang liked to steal food, especially eggs. The members were foxes who lived in the forest. The forest wasn’t far from the town. Every criminal thing that happened in the town, the police always suspected the foxes, because of their reputations. In town there were only few foxes, because they were afraid to be accused as a criminal.

One day the Duck wanted to go to the market. It wasn’t far from her house. She went to the market. It was a big market that was on the center of the town. There were many kiosk in the market that sell anything animals needed. But she left something, the egg. She forgot to bring her egg with her. She walked happily to the market without notice something that she had forgotten. She went to the market to buy everything she needed. When she arrived at the market, she stopped at a kiosk.

“How much is the fish?” asked The Duck.

“Its four leaves,” answer the seller.

“Is it too expensive? Can you decrease the price?”

“No I can’t. It is exact price.”

“Ok. I will buy four piece of fish.”


“Here you go!” said the seller.

“Thank you!” said the Duck.

            After that the Duck went to another kiosk. It was noon when the Duck went back to her hut. The sun was so bright in the sky. She met one of her neighbor. Her neighbor asked her something that would make her remember about her egg.

“Hey Duck!” said the Panda.

“Hey Panda!” said The Duck.

“How is your day?”

“It’s good!”

“I heard, you have a new egg. Congratulation Duck!”

“Thank you Panda!”

“Now, may I see your egg?”

“Sure, let’s go!”

            So they went to the Duck’s hut. But something happened when they entered the Duck’s hut. The egg wasn’t there. The egg was gone! The Duck was so panicked, because it was the only egg she had ever had. She search it everywhere in her house, but she couldn’t find her egg.

“Where is my egg? Where is it? Why can’t I find it?” asked the Duck.

“Calm down Duck. We will find your egg,” said the Panda.

“But it’s already gone, Panda!” said the Duck

“Ok, now we will go to the police station to ask for helps,” said the Panda

            After that accident, they went to the police station. When they arrived at the police station, it was so crowded.

“What happened? Why there are so many animals here?” asked the Duck.

“I don’t know,” said the Panda.

            They went to administration. They asked what had happened that noon. And of course they asked for help to find the ducks egg.

“Welcome to the police station. May I help you?” asked the admin.

“Yes, I need your help. But first I want to ask something? Why the police station was so crowded?” asked the Duck
“Ok, the police station was so crowded because we got some report this morning about mass thievery in town. There were many food had been stolen by. We accused “The Black Fox” as the criminal. We are still investigating this. By the way, what is your problem?” asked the admin.

“Ok, my egg was gone, and I think someone had stolen my egg. It was the only egg,” said the Duck.

“Ok, I will sent you a pair of police members to investigate your problem,” Said the admin.

            The Duck asked the Panda to go home because she thought she can managed this alone. After she waited for 30 minutes. She and the police went to her house. They search the egg in her house. And the result was same. They couldn’t find her egg. But the police found something suspicious. There were a box and there are some footprints inside her house. And it was fox’s footprints. The police asked some neighbors, if they had seen someone walked in front of the Duck’s house.

“Hey! Did you see someone walked closed to the Duck’s house?” asked the police.

“Yes, but only once. I saw a postman entered the Duck’s house. It was fox. I think he only put the package in the Duck’s house because the door wasn’t locked,” said the old squirrel who was the Duck neighbor.

“Ok. Thank you!” said the police

            So the police met the Duck and say something.

“Ok, someone had entered your house. It was fox who worked as a postman. And there are only one post man who was fox in this town. So I suspect him as the criminal who stole your egg. But we will investigate first,” said the police.

“Wait, what? It was fox who entered my house. Does he has affiliation with “Black Fox”?” asked the Duck.

“Maybe, we will investigate it first,” said the police.

            So they went to the postman’s house. The police knew it from the data in the police station. It is the time the duck knew the truth.

*Knock Knock*

*Knock Knock*

“Is there anyone there?” asked the police.

“Yes. It is me,” said the Fox.

“You are arrested because of stealing the Duck’s egg!” said the police.

“Wait, what? Ok. First, it was not true that I stole her egg,” said the Fox pointing at the Duck.

“It is true that this morning I was in her house. But I only sent the package and put it inside her house. Why I put it inside her house. Because her house wasn’t locked,” said the Fox.

“Do you find any egg inside her house?” asked the police.

“Nope!” said the Fox.

“Ok before I arrest you, prove yourself that you are not the thief.”


So the walked to the Duck’s hut. When they arrived in the front of Duck’s house, they heard something inside her house.

“Do you hear that?” asked the police.

“Yes!” answer the Fox and the Duck

“I don’t know what is it, but let’s enter the house,” said the police.

When they entered the house, they were shocked. They found a duckling walking toward them. It was the Duck’s daughter.

“Mama!” said the Duckling

“Oh my daughter, you are so cute. At last you cracked. I have waited you to crack for long time,” said the Duck.

“Ok, the good news is we got a duckling. But, how about me? Am I going to jail now?” asked the Fox.

            “Wait you are not going anywhere. I have found the eggshell under the Ducks bed. That is why we can’t find it anywhere. I guess the egg roll over when it wanted to cracked until is under the bed,” said the police.

“Am I Free now?” asked the Fox

“Yes Fox! You are free now! Sorry for accusing you as the criminal!” said the police.

“It is ok!” said the Fox.

After that time. The Duck live happily with her daughter and more beware with her belongings. The Fox still became a postman. And the lived happily ever after! The End.

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