Kamis, 20 April 2017

The Duck Who Lost Her Egg

Once upon a time, there was a duck who lived in a small hut in town. She was so clumsy. She was always easy to forget everything she had. One day the Duck laid an egg. It was a beautiful egg. It was the first time she had an egg and it was the only egg that she had ever had. She loved her egg so much. Every day, the Duck waited for the egg to crack. The Duck didn’t know when the egg would crack.

In town there was a well-known gang. People in the town called this gang as “Black Fox”. This gang liked to steal food, especially eggs. The members were foxes who lived in the forest. The forest wasn’t far from the town. Every criminal thing that happened in the town, the police always suspected the foxes, because of their reputations. In town there were only few foxes, because they were afraid to be accused as a criminal.

Minggu, 13 November 2016

Fenomena Globalisasi pada Kegiatan Ekonomi

Perubahan pasti terjadi pada setiap sisi kehidupan manusia. Berkembanganya akal dan pikiran manusia membuat manusia selalu ingin lebih dari sebelumnya dengan cara mengembangkan hal-hal yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Itulah mengapa perubahan sosial terjadi dan masih akan berlanjut hingga nanti. Perubahan sosial dapat didefinisikan sebagai perubahan unsur-unsur sosial dalam masyarakat, sehingga terbentuk tata kehidupan sosial baru. Bentuk paling umum dari perubahan sosial itu sendiri adalah adanya globalisasi.

Fenomena globalisasi yang sudah menjamur pada setiap tatanan kehidupan manusia bukan hanya terjadi pada bidang teknologi, namun juga pada bidang ekonomi. Salah satu contohnya adalah perubahan bentuk pasar yang semula menganut sistem tradisional, berubah menjadi pasar modern akibat adanya globalisasi itu sendiri.